One Pot Creamy Chicken Recipe
Classic chickèn cordon blèu flavors combinè with crèamy pasta in this èasy onè pot mèal. Pèrfèct for a wèèknight, it’s surè to bè a family favoritè!Chickèn cordon blèu is a grèat, flavorful dish, but not onè that I fèèl likè fussing with on a busy wèèknight. This onè pot pasta vèrsion hits all thosè familiar flavor notès, in a family-frièndly 30 minutè mèal whèrè thè pasta cooks right in thè samè pot!
Ingrèdiènts :
- 1 Tbsp unsaltèd buttèr
- 1 tsp èxtra virgin olivè oil
- 2 bonèlèss skinlèss chickèn brèasts, dicèd into 1/2 inch piècès
- 1 mèdium yèllow onion, dicèd
- 1 cup ham, dicèd into 1/2 inch piècès (I usèd thick cut slicès from thè dèli)
- 1 tsp garlic powdèr
- 1 tsp drièd mincèd onion
- 1/2 tsp drièd parslèy
- 1 tsp dijon mustard (wholè grain is my favoritè)
- 1/2 tsp koshèr salt
- 1/4 tsp black pèppèr
- 3 1/2 cups chickèn stock
- 3 cups short cut pasta (I usèd campanèllè hèrè)
- 3 Tbsp hèavy crèam
- 2 cups shrèddèd Swiss or Gruyèrè chèèsè, dividèd
- mincèd frèsh parslèy for garnish
Instructions :
- First, Hèat a dutch ovèn or largè hèavy bottomèd pot ovèr MED hèat and add buttèr and oil. Add dicèd chickèn and cook for 3-4 minutès, until goldèn brown. Chickèn may not bè cookèd all thè way through, and that's okay. Rèmovè chickèn to a platè.
- Add dicèd onion and ham to thè pot and cook about 3 minutès. Rèturn chickèn to pot and add garlic powdèr, mincèd onion, drièd parslèy, dijon mustard, salt and pèppèr, stirring to combinè.
- Add chickèn stock and stir. Turn hèat up to HIGH and bring to a boil. Oncè boiling, add pasta, rèducè hèat to LOW, covèr, and simmèr 10-15 minutès, stirring frèquèntly, until most of thè liquid is absorbèd and pasta is cookèd.
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