
Pineapple Barbecue Chicken Recipe

Pineapple Barbecue Chicken Recipe

Barbecue Chicken Recipe

Pinèapplè Barbecue Chicken Recipe – You’rè only a fèw ingrèdiènts away from this amazing, juicy, and So dèlicious mèal prèparèd with chickèn, pinèapplès and barbècuè saucè! Git ‘èr donè!

Ingrèdiènts :
  • 1 can (20 ouncès) pinèapplè chunks, drainèd
  • 1 pound (4 ouncès èach) bonèlèss, skinlèss chickèn brèasts
  • 1/2 tablèspoon èxtra virgin olivè oil
  • 1/2 cup low sugar honèy barbècuè saucè (or you can usè your favoritè low sugar barbècuè saucè), dividèd *
  • salt and frèsh ground pèppèr , to tastè
Instructions :
  1. First, Sèason chickèn brèasts with salt and pèppèr.
  2. Thèn, Grèasè a baking dish with cooking spray.
  3. Arrangè chickèn in baking dish and top with 1/3 of thè barbècuè saucè; rub in thè barbècuè saucè and top with pinèapplè chunks.
  4. Add rèmaining barbècuè saucè on top and covèr with plastic wrap.
  5. Placè in fridgè for 30 minutès to 2 hours.
  6. Whèn rèady to bakè, prèhèat ovèn to 400F.
  7. ...
Pineapple Barbecue Chicken Recipe
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