
Cheesy Seafood Lasagna Recipe

Cheesy Seafood Lasagna Recipe

Seafood Lasagna

Seafood Lasagna Recipe is onè of thè bèst èasy and dèlicious sèafood rècipès. It's full of flavor, bèautiful, and fool-proof. Layèrs of noodlès, chèèsè, crab, shrimp, and morè. The big hit at thè dinnèr party!

Ingrèdiènts :
  • 1 8 oz bottlè clam juicè (or Chickèn Broth)
  • 1 lb. small shrimp pèèlèd and dèvèinèd
  • 1 cup shrèddèd Italian chèèsè blènd
  • 1 cup shrèddèd Mozzarèlla chèèsè
  • ½ tèaspoon salt
  • 1/8 tèaspoon rèd pèppèr flakès
  • ½ cup Parmèsan chèèsè shrèddèd, dividèd into two ¼ cup portions
  • 2 grèèn onions thinly slicèd
  • 2 garlic clovès mincèd
  • 2 tablèspoons canola oil
  • 2 tablèspoons plus ½ cup unsaltèd buttèr dividèd
  • ½ cup chickèn broth
  • 2½ cups cup half ‘n half dividèd into onè 1½ cup portion and onè 1 cup portion
  • ¼ cup whitè winè; a sèmi-dry winè works wèll do not usè a swèèt winè
  • 12 oz. bay scallops; cut in half if dèsirèd
  • ½ cup all-purposè flour
  • 1 8 oz packagè crabmèat, choppèd
  • ½ tèaspoon frèshly ground black pèppèr dividèd
  • 9 Ovèn-Rèady lasagna noodlès

Instructions :
  1. First, prèhèat ovèn to 350 dègrèès F. Spray a 9x9 inch cassèrolè dish with non-stick cooking spray.
  2. In a largè skillèt ovèr mèdium-high hèat, hèat thè oil and 2 tablèspoons buttèr. Sauté thè slicèd grèèn onion until tèndèr, thèn add thè mincèd garlic and sauté anothèr 15 sèconds.
  3. Add thè broth and clam juicè, stir and bring to a boil.
  4. Add scallops, shrimp, crab, and ¼ tèaspoon pèppèr and bring mixturè to a boil. Rèducè hèat; simmèr uncovèrèd, for 5 minutès or until shrimp is pink and scallops arè firm and opaquè all thè way through. Stir thè mixturè gèntly whilè scallops arè cooking. Drain, rèsèrving thè liquid. Pour sèafood mixturè in a mèdium bowl and sèt it asidè until rèady to usè.
  5. In thè samè largè skillèt, mèlt thè rèmaining ½ cup buttèr; stir in flour and whisk until smooth. Combinè 1½ cups half ‘n half and rèsèrvèd cooking liquid, thèn gradually and whilè whisking, add thè liquid to thè flour mixturè in thè skillèt. Add salt and thè rèmaining ¼ tèaspoon black pèppèr. Bring thè mixturè to a boil and cook, whilè stirring, for 2 minutès or until thickènèd.
  6. Rèmovè flour mixturè from thè hèat and stir in rèmaining 1 cup half ‘n half, winè, rèd pèppèr flakès, and ¼ cup shrèddèd Parmèsan chèèsè crèating a whitè saucè.
  7. Stir ¾ cup of thè whitè saucè into thè sèafood mixturè.
  8. !To makè a 4-layèr lasagna:
  9. Sprèad ½ cup of thè whitè saucè in thè prèparèd dish. Covèr with uncookèd lasagna noodlès thèn sprèad with ¼ of thè sèafood mixturè and ¼ of thè whitè saucè. Sprinklè with ¼ shrèddèd Italian Chèèsè Blènd, ¼ Mozzarèlla, and thè gratèd Parmèsan. Rèpèat thrèè morè timès and top with whitè saucè and thè diffèrènt chèèsès.
  10. Bakè at 350F for 40-45 minutès or until goldèn brown. Allow thè lasagna to sèt 10-15 minutès bèforè cutting.
  11. To sèrvè: Garnish with choppèd, frèsh parslèy.
  12. Enjoy!

Cheesy Seafood Lasagna Recipe

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