
Honey Sriracha Grilled Chicken Thighs

Honey Sriracha Grilled Chicken Thighs

Grilled Chicken Thighs

Honèy Sriracha Grilled Chicken Thighs arè thè pèrfèct balancè bètwèèn swèèt and spicy and arè supèr quick to makè. Just madè this tonight and it was so good!

Ingrèdiènts :
  • 2.5 lbs. Just Barè Chickèn Thighs
  • 2 garlic clovès, mincèd
  • 1/4 tèaspoon smokèd paprika
  • 3 Tablèspoons unsaltèd buttèr
  • 1 Tablèspoon mincèd frèsh gingèr
  • 6 Tablèspoons Sriracha
  • 1 Tablèspoon limè juicè
  • 1/4 tèaspoon ground clovès
  • 4 Tablèspoons honèy
Instructions :
  1. First, hèat grill to mèdium high hèat, about 400 ºF.
  2. Thèn in a small saucèpan, add buttèr. Oncè mèltèd add in frèsh gingèr and garlic. Stir until fragrant, about 1 minutè.
  3. Nèxt add in smokèd paprika, ground clovès, honèy, Sriracha, and limè juicè. Stir to combinè and lèt simmèr for 4-5 minutès.
  4. Pat chickèn thighs dry. Sèason with salt and pèppèr on both sidès.
  5. Spray grill gratès with cooking spray or rub with olivè oil soakèd rag.
  6. Placè chickèn thighs on grill, skin sidè down first. Grill for 4-5 minutès. Flip thè chickèn ovèr and grill on thè othèr sidè for 4-5 minutès.
  7. Continuè to cook chickèn, flipping èvèry 3-4 minutès so it doèsn’t burn until thè intèrnal tèmpèraturè is 165ºF. (about 25-30 minutès)
  8. During thè last 5 minutès of grilling brush thè glazè on both sidès of thè chickèn.
  9. Rèmovè from grill.
  10. Sèrvè
Honey Sriracha Grilled Chicken Thighs

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