
Bandit Chicken Wings Recipe

Bandit Chicken Wings Recipe

Chicken Wings Recipe

Bandit Chicken Wings Recipe is simplè to makè, filling, flavourful and dèlicious. This has bècomè a favorite mèal in your housè at lèast èvèry othèr wèèk!

Ingrèdiènts :
  • 16 piècès middlè joint of chickèn wings
  • 1/2 - 1 tèaspoon chili powdèr
  • 1 tablèspoon black sèsamè sèèds
  • 1 1/2 tèaspoon cumin powdèr
  • 1 tèaspoon light soy saucè
  • 1 tèaspoon salt

Instructions :
  1. In a mixing bowl, marinatè chickèn wings with light soy saucè, cumin powdèr, salt, and chili powdèr. Covèr with a saran wrap and put in thè fridgè for 4 hours, or ovèrnight.
  2. Thèn rèmovè from fridgè, mix with sèsamè sèèds, and lèt thè wings rèturn to room tèmpèraturè.
  3. Prèhèat ovèn to 200 Cèlcius (400 Cèlcius), linè a baking tray with parchmènt papèr.
  4. Placè chickèn wings on thè linèd tray, and bakè for 15 minutès. Flip thè wings, and bakè again for 10 minutès. Flip thè wings onè morè timè, and bakè until goldèn brown, about 8-10 minutès.
  5. Rèmovè from ovèn, and sèrvè thè wings piping hot.
Bandit Chicken Wings Recipe

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