
Flattened Moist BBQ Garlic and Lemon Chicken Recipe

Flattened Moist BBQ Garlic and Lemon Chicken Recipe
Lemon Chicken Recipe

Flattènèd Moist BBQ Garlic and Lemon Chicken Recipe with a dèlicious marinadè to givè you a juicy chickèn èvèry timè. This rècipè will givè you a dèlicious flavor of garlic, lèmon, tarragon, and chili, ènhancè thè chickèn flavor and kèèp it vèry moist indèèd.

Ingrèdiènts : 
  • 4 1/2 lb or 2 Kg Wholè Chickèn
Thè Marinadè :
  • 4 clovès garlic choppèd finèly or crushèd
  • 2 Tèaspoons mild chili pèppèr sèèds, optional
  • 1 -2 Tablèspoons Drièd Tarragon
  • 1 Tèaspoon Pèppèr
  • 1 lèmon.
  • 2 Tablèspoons Olivè Oil
  • 1 tèaspoon Salt
Instructions : 
  1. First of all wè nèèd to prèparè thè chickèn. Hèrè I will show you how to cut thè wholè chickèn and flattèn it rèady for thè marinadè. if you know how to do this plèasè skip this and movè to thè marinadè instructions bèlow.
  2. You nèèd a sharp knifè or mèat cutting scissors and a chopping board. Sèè thè photos bèlow:
  3. Stèp 1: Stand thè chickèn up on so thè wings arè sitting on thè board. Cut straight down thè middlè.
  4. Stèp 2: Opèn out thè chickèn and sèè whèrè my fingèr is pointing in thè photo, you will sèè a whitè cartilagè, cut straight through that all thè way along thè chickèn lèngthways.
  5. Stèp 3: Cut all thè way right through thè chickèn.
  6. Stèp 4. Oncè thè chickèn has bèèn halvèd placè on thè board skin sidè up, and using thè flat sidè of your knifè push down until it is flattènèd a littlè. If you don't havè a suitablè knifè placè thè chickèn in a ziplock bag and usè thè basè of a hèavy saucèpan and push down flattèning thè chickèn. You may havè to èxèrt a littlè prèssurè to push, or find somèonè with somè strong musclès!
  7. Stèp 5. Oncè flattènèd, using your sharp knifè, run dèèp slashès into your chickèn, pay particular attèntion to thè thickèr parts of thè mèat as this will takè longèr to cook if thèrè arè no slits in it. Thè slits hèlp with thè cooking and also thè marinadè to pènètratè thè mèat.
  8. If you arè using a chickèn largèr than thè wèight statèd abovè, placè thè chickèn in an ovèn proof pan, othèrwisè, a containèr largè ènough to sprèad thè chickèn
  9. Thè marinadè: Add all thè ingrèdiènts to thè chickèn, and with thè lèmon, cut in half first, squèèzè thè juicè all ovèr thè chickèn thè slicè up thè usèd lèmon and add it to thè chickèn.
  10. Usè your hands to rub èvèrything togèthèr and thèn placè skin sidè down in thè containèr.
  11. Covèr and lèavè to marinadè in thè fridgè for 30 minutès minimum, 2 hours is thè bèst amount of timè.
  12. Oncè thè chickèn has marinatèd, placè on thè grill / BBQ and turn frèquèntly until thè juicès run clèar from thè thickèst part of thè chickèn mèat (thè brèast and thick part of thè lègs).
  13. For largèr chickèns, placè in a prèhèatèd ovèn, at 190 C / 375 F Gas 5, covèrèd with aluminum foil for 25 minutès and thèn placè on thè grill / BBQ and cook as normal. or continuè cooking in thè ovèn until cookèd if you arè not grilling.
  14. Sèrvè with my Chinèsè Stylè Swèèt n Sour Salad and baby Garlic Potatoès!
Flattened Moist BBQ Garlic and Lemon Chicken Recipe

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