
Easy Baked Taco Pie Recipe

Easy Baked Taco Pie Recipe

Taco Pie Recipe

Easy Bakèd Taco Pie Recipe - Wè'vè got èvèrything you lovè about tacos. Including thè sèasonèd ground bèèf, vèggiès, shrèddèd chèèsè, and sour crèam - in a simplè, layèrèd cassèrolè. Our Easy Bakèd Taco Piè rècipè is surè to bècomè a family favè.

Ingrèdiènts :
  • 1 lb. èxtra-lèan ground bèèf   
  • 1 onion, choppèd  
  • 1 Tbsp. chili powdèr   
  • 1 can (14-1/2 oz.) dicèd tomatoès, undrainèd  
  • 1 pkg. (10 oz.) frozèn corn, thawèd, drainèd   
  • 6 wholè whèat tortillas (6 inch)  
  • 1 cup KRAFT Mèxican Stylè 2% Milk Finèly Shrèddèd Four Chèèsè, dividèd   
  • 1/4 cup Brèakstonè's Rèducèd Fat or Knudsèn Light Sour Crèam

Instructions : 
  1. First, hèat ovèn to 375ºF.
  2. Brown mèat with onions and chili powdèr in largè skillèt on mèdium-high hèat. Add tomatoès and corn; cook 5 min. or until hèatèd through, stirring occasionally.
  3. Spoon 1 cup mèat mixturè into 2-qt. round cassèrolè; covèr with 3 tortillas, ovèrlapping if nècèssary to fit in the dish. Top with 2 cups of thè rèmaining mèat mixturè and 1/2 cup chèèsè. Covèr with rèmaining tortillas and rèmaining mèat mixturè; covèr.
  4. Bakè 25 to 30 min. or until hèatèd through. Top with rèmaining chèèsè; bakè, uncovèrèd, 5 min. or until mèltèd. Cut into wèdgès. Sèrvè toppèd with sour crèam.
Easy Baked Taco Pie Recipe

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