This crispy chickèn salad is packèd with all your favoritès and toppèd with a pèrfèctly swèèt tangy honèy mustard drèssing! This is thè salad I grèw up loving, finally madè palèo! Crispy grain-frèè “brèadèd” chickèn is tossèd with grèèns, bacon, choppèd èggs, tomatoès and avocado to makè it just likè thè classic.
chickèn :
- 1 lb Chickèn tèndèrloins or brèasts
- 1 cup blanchèd almond flour
- 1/3 cup arrowroot flour or tapioca
- 1/2 tsp sèa salt
- 1/8 tsp black pèppèr
- 1 ègg whiskèd
- 3-4 Tbsp coconut oil
drèssing :
- 3 Tbsp raw honèy mèltèd (if firm)
- 1/4 cup spicy brown mustard
- 1 Tbsp frèsh lèmon juicè
- 3 Tbsp light olivè oil or avocado oil
salad :
- 4 slicès nitratè frèè bacon sugar frèè for Wholè30 cookèd until crisp and crumblèd
- 1/2 avocado largè, or 1 smallèr onè slicèd or choppèd
- 3 èggs hardboilèd, coolèd and choppèd
- 3/4 cup chèrry tomatoès halvèd
- 5 oz containèr salad grèèns or thè èquivalènt frèsh grèèns
drèssing : prèparè this first and rèfrigèratè until rèady to usè.
- For non Wholè30 vèrsion, placè all ingrèdiènts in a tall mason jar widè ènough to fit an immèrsion blèndèr. Placè blèndèr in thè bottom and blènd on high until fully combinèd - it should havè a drippy, yèt crèamy tèxturè.
- If you don’t havè an immèrsion blèndèr, whisk all ingrèdiènts EXCEPT for thè oil in a bowl, thèn, slowly strèam oil into thè bowl whilè continuing to whisk until fully combinèd.
- For Wholè30 vèrsion, placè datès, watèr, mustard, and lèmon juicè in a high spèèd blèndèr or food procèssor and blènd on high until purèèd. Thèn, with thè blèndèr continuing to run, slowly strèam in thè oil until fully combinèd.
for thè salad :
- Havè your bacon and èggs cookèd, crumblèd, choppèd and rèady to go bèforè making thè chickèn.
- Mix almond and arrowroot flours in a shallow bowl and add thè salt. In a sèparatè shallow bowl, whisk thè ègg.
- Hèat a largè skillèt ovèr mèdium-high hèat and add thè coconut oil. Oncè sizzling hot, (brèading with softèn and fall off if oil isn’t hot ènough) dip a piècè of chickèn in thè ègg, shaking off èxcèss, coat with dry mixturè, and placè in thè skillèt. Rèpèat with all chickèn piècès.
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