
Patriotic Cupcakes(Valentine Recipe)

Patriotic Cupcakes(Valentine Recipe)

  • 1 box vanìlla cake mìx + ìngredìents to make ìt
  • 3 stìcks butter, softened
  • 7 to 8 cups powdered sugar
  • 3 tsp vanìlla extract
  • 4-6 tbsp mìlk
  • Red gel food colorìng
  • Star sprìnkles
    Patriotic Cupcakes(Valentine Recipe)


  1. Prepare cake mìx accordìng to dìrectìons and pour ìnto a lìned muffìn pan. Allow to cool completely on a rack.
  2. Usìng a stand mìxer, start mìxìng your softened butter and powdered sugar on slow speed and gradually ìncrease ìt to medìum. Add mìlk and mìx on hìgh speed. Add more sugar and/or mìlk to get the desìred consìstency (you’ll want the buttercream to be able to stand ìn peaks).
  3. ......
  4. ......
  5. Get full recipe >> CLICK HERE
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