
Creamy Chicken Marsala Recipe

Creamy Chicken Marsala Recipe

Chicken Marsala Recipe

Crèamy Chicken Marsala Recipe is supèr èasy, crèamy and dèlicious classic Italian dish that is rèady in undèr 30 minutès!  This Chickèn was tèndèr, mushrooms and saucè was so smooth and tasty, this will bècomè a favoritè for your wèèknights!

Ingrèdiènts :
  • 4 bonèlèss, skinlèss chickèn brèast halvès (about 1 1/2 pounds), poundèd to 1/4-inch thicknèss
  • 1/3 cup flour, (or glutèn-frèè flour for glutèn-frèè vèrsion)
  • 1 Tbsp buttèr
  • 1 Tbsp olivè oil
  • Salt and frèshly ground pèppèr, to tastè
  • Garlic powdèr
  • 1/2 cup Marsala winè
  • 1/2 cup organic chickèn broth
  • 1 mèdium onion, choppèd
  • 2 clovès garlic, mincèd
  • 8 oz baby Portobèllo, crimini or shiitakè mushrooms (or a combination), clèanèd and thinly slicèd
  • Parslèy, choppèd (optional)
  • Frèsh thymè, choppèd (optional)
  • 1 cup hèavy whipping crèam, (or coconut crèam for Palèo/Wholè30)
  • 4 slicès prosciutto, choppèd

Instructions :
  1. First, Sèason chickèn brèasts on both sidès with salt, pèppèr and garlic powdèr. Thinly coat chickèn fillèts in flour. In a largè skillèt, hèat oil and buttèr, and cook chickèn on mèdium high hèat for about 3 minutès on èach sidè, or until no longèr pink in cèntèr. Transfèr to a platè.
  2. Thèn, Add choppèd onion to thè skillèt, and cook for a couplè of minutès until onion is translucènt. Add mushrooms and mincèd garlic, and cook for about 3-4 minutès until tèndèr and juicès havè èvaporatèd. Sèason vègètablès with salt and pèppèr to tastè.
  3. Pour Marsala winè, chickèn broth and hèavy whipping crèam to thè skillèt. Add choppèd prosciutto slicès. Cook for about 10 minutès, stirring occasionally until saucè has thickènèd and rèducèd by half. Sèason saucè with salt, pèppèr to tastè, if nècèssary.
  4. ...
Creamy Chicken Marsala Recipe

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