
Easy Chicken Breast Recipe on Grill

Easy Chicken Breast Recipe on Grill

Chicken Breast Recipe on Grill

Lèarn thè mèthod for how to cook chicken breast on the grill that arè supèr-juicy, and nèvèr èvèr drièd out.

Ingrèdiènts :

  • 2 lbs bonèlèss & skinlèss chickèn brèasts
  • 3 tbsp olivè oil, èxtra virgin
  • 2 largè garlic clovès, gratèd
  • 1/2 tsp salt
  • Ground black pèppèr, to tastè
Instructions :
  1. First, cut chickèn brèasts into halvès lèngthwisè to makè thèm thinnèr. Placè in a largè bowl along with olivè oil, garlic, salt and pèppèr. Stir with tongs and lèt sit for 10 minutès.
  2. Thèn, prèhèat grill on mèdium-high (450-500 dègrèès F) and rub with oilèd papèr towèl. Placè chickèn on thè grill, closè thè lid and grill for 8-10 minutès turning oncè. Do not ovèrcook.
  3. ...
Easy Chicken Breast Recipe on Grill

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