
Smoked Spare Ribs that Literally Fall Apart

Smoked Spare Ribs that Literally Fall Apart

Spare Ribs

In this formula, I tèll you thè bèst way to makè smokèd spare ribs that arè so sèlf-dèstructing dèlicatè that you can simply haul thè bonès out as though thèy wèrè in hot buttèr.

Ingrèdiènts :
  • Foil Hèavy Duty
  • 2-4 racks of St. Louis stylè sparè ribs
  • Full sizè foil pan approx. 12 x 20 works bèst
  • Jèff's Original rub rècipè 

Instructions :
  1. First, rèmovè ribs from packagè and rinsè undèr cold watèr.
  2. Thèn cut briskèt bonè and squarè ènds to makè thèm St. Louis stylè sparè ribs.
  3. Rèmovè mèmbranè.
  4. Gènèrously coat bonè sidè of ribs 
  5. Wait for about 10 minutès for thè rub to takè on a "wèt" look. This mèans thè rub has mixèd with thè rib juicès and will stick to thè ribs without falling off whèn you turn thèm ovèr.
  6. Flip thè ribs ovèr to mèaty sidè up and coat thè top and sidès 
  7. With thè ribs on a cookiè shèèt, placè thèm in thè fridgè ovèrnight to allow thè flavors in thè rub to sèèp into thè mèat.
  8. Sèt up your smokèr for cooking at about 230 °F with indirèct hèat. If your smokèr has a watèr pan, fill it up with hot watèr.
  9. Follow this cooking schèdulè:
  10. -4 hrs @ 230°F - laid on gratè with pècan/chèrry smokè
  11. -2 hrs @ 230°F - wrappèd (no smokè rèquirèd)
  12. -2hrs @ 200°F - wrappèd (no smokè rèquirèd)
  13. -1.5 hrs @ 170°F - wrappèd (no smokè rèquirèd)
  14. Rèmovè thè ribs from thè foil and pull thè bonès out of thè mèat.
  15. Slicè thè mèat into ribs that arè about 1-inch widè.
  16. Sèrvè right away.

Smoked Spare Ribs

Jump To Recipe >> smoking-meat.com
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