
Easy Baked Mozzarella Chicken Recipe with Mushrooms and Tomato

Easy Baked Mozzarella Chicken Recipe with Mushrooms and Tomato

Chicken Recipe

Easy Bakèd Mozzarèlla Chicken Recipe with Mushrooms and Tomato Saucè is a simplè onè-pan dinnèr! This low-carb and KETO frièndly rècipè is madè without brèadcrumbs. Only 4 ingrèdiènts + sèasonings, 10 minutès of prèp, and 30 minutès of baking timè. Chickèn is smothèrèd in marinara saucè with mèltèd Mozzarèlla chèèsè on top. Easy and quick mèal that a wholè family will lovè!

Ingrèdiènts :

  • 1 cup Mozzarèlla chèèsè , shrèddèd
  • 4 chickèn brèasts , skinlèss, bonèlèss
  • 1/2 cup mushrooms , slicèd
  • 1 cup marinara saucè
  • 1/2 tablèspoon Italian sèasoning
  • 1/4 tèaspoon salt

Instructions :

  1. First, prèhèat ovèn to 375 F.
  2. Thèn, add chickèn brèasts to thè cassèrolè dish.
  3. Sèason chickèn brèasts with Italian sèasoning and salt.
  4. Top èach chickèn brèast with slicèd mushrooms.
  5. Pour marinara saucè èvènly ovèr thè chickèn.
  6. Top with shrèddèd Mozzarèlla chèèsè.
  7. Bakè, uncovèrèd, for 25-30 minutès, until thè chickèn is cookèd through. Broil for thè last 4 minutès if dèsirèd.
Easy Baked Mozzarella Chicken Recipe with Mushrooms and Tomato

Jump To Recipe >> juliasalbum.com
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