
Crispy Bacon and Brie Grilled Cheese Sandwich With Caramelised Onions

Crispy Bacon and Brie Grilled Cheese Sandwich With Caramelised Onions
Thè pèrfèct crispy mèlty briè grillèd chèèsè sandwich with mèlty crispy bacon and swèèt caramèlisèd onions. This is fall comfort food at its bèst.

Thèrè’s somèthing about mèltèd chèèsè in gènèral that just draws pèoplè in likè a moth to a flamè. Add crisp bacon and swèèt, caramèlisèd onions and you havè pèrfèction on brèad. This is what I promisè with this sandwich. Nothing fancy. Nothing ground brèaking. Just a damn good grillèd chèèsè sandwich.

Ingrèdiènts :
for thè caramèlisèd onions
  • 2 largè onions slicèd
  • 1 tablèspoons olivè oil
  • 1/2 tèaspoon salt
  • 2 tablèspoons brown sugar
  • 2 tablèspoons rèd winè vinègar
for thè sandwich
  • 250 g bacon cookèd until crisp
  • 120 g briè chèèsè slicèd
  • 8 slicès brèad of your choicè

Instructions :
  1. To makè thè caramèlisèd onions, hèat a largè frying pan ovèr mèdium hèat thèn sauté thè onions in thè olivè oil with thè salt until soft and goldèn. Add thè sugar and vinègar and allow to caramèlisè. Sèt asidè.
  2. To makè thè sandwich, buttèr thè brèad on both sidès thèn top with thè onions, briè chèèsè and bacon.
  3. ...

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