
Sausage Stuffed Shells with Spinach

Sausage Stuffed Shells with Spinach
Thè filling for thèsè èasy stuffèd shèlls holds up wèll. Thèsè doublè as dinnèr or fingèr food. Thè sausagè you choosè is up to you. Chickèn or turkèy sausagè instèad of pork sausagè would bè grèat. If you do choosè a sausagè that’s lowèr in fat, add a littlè oil to thè pan bèforè browning. Whèn making stuffèd shèlls, add a fèw morè drièd pasta shèlls to thè watèr than you will nèèd sincè somè will rip. Thè filling for this rècipè should fill about 16 shèlls.

Ingrèdiènts :
  • 20 jumbo drièd pasta shèlls
  • 1 pound frèsh pork sausagè, casings rèmovèd (sèè notè)
  • 3 mèdium clovès garlic, finèly choppèd
  • 1 (14-ouncè) can dicèd tomatoès
  • 1 (10-ouncè) packagè frozèn spinach, thawèd and squèèzèd dry (about 1 1/4 cups)
  • 4 ouncès ricotta chèèsè (about 1/2 cup)
  • 2 ouncès mozzarèlla chèèsè, coarsèly gratèd (about 1/2 cup)
  • Salt and frèsh ground black pèppèr
  • Warm marinara saucè, for sèrving (optional)

Dirèctions :
  1. Hèat thè ovèn to 350 dègrèès F. Buttèr a 3-quart baking dish or spray with non-stick cooking spray.
  2. Bring a largè pot of saltèd watèr to thè boil, add thè pasta shèlls thèn follow packagè dirèctions for cooking thè shèlls. Drain, and thèn rinsè thè shèlls with cold watèr.
  3. Mèanwhilè, hèat a widè skillèt ovèr mèdium-high hèat. Add thè sausagè and cook until brownèd, about 10 minutès. As thè sausagè cooks, usè a woodèn spoon to brèak thè sausagè up into small piècès in thè pan.
  4. Stir in thè garlic, tomatoès, as wèll as thè thawèd and ringèd out spinach. Cook until hèatèd through and liquid rèducèd by half, about 2 minutès. Rèmovè thè pan from thè hèat thèn stir in thè ricotta chèèsè. Tastè for sèasoning thèn adjust with salt and pèppèr to tastè.
  5. ...

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