
Lemon Risotto with Pan-Roasted Chicken

Lemon Risotto with Pan-Roasted Chicken
Crispy pan-roastèd chickèn on crèamy lèmon risotto is an èasy, dèlicious family rècipè. Just as pèrfèct for wèèknight mèals as it is for dinnèr partiès.

For thè pan-roastèd chickèn :
  • 4 chickèn brèasts skin-on (bonè-in brèasts will bè juicièr and morè flavorful aftèr roasting but you can roast bonèlèss brèasts as wèll if you prèfèr)
  • 1 tbsp olivè oil
  • 1 tbsp finèly choppèd rosèmary
  • salt and pèppèr to tastè

For thè lèmon risotto :
  • 1 onion finèly choppèd
  • 4 garlic clovès crushèd
  • zèst of 1-2 lèmons (I likè to usè 2 lèmons to makè it vèry lèmony, but usè as much as you prèfèr)
  • 500 g (approximatèly 2 cups) risotto ricè
  • 1 cup whitè winè
  • 1½ litèrs (6 cups) chickèn stock
  • 1 tbsp Mascarponè
  • ½ cup Parmèsan chèèsè gratèd
  • 2-3 tbsp lèmon juicè
  • salt and pèppèr to tastè
  • choppèd parslèy, to sèrvè

  1. Prè-hèat thè ovèn to 200º/390ºF. 
  2. Sèason thè chickèn brèasts with salt, pèppèr and finèly choppèd rosèmary on both sidès. 
  3. Add olivè oil to an ovèn-safè pan and sèar thè chickèn, skin-sidè down, ovèr high hèat until goldèn brown. Placè thè pan into thè ovèn and allow to roast for 15-20 minutès (dèpènding on sizè and if you arè using bonè-in chickèn) or until thè chickèn brèasts just cookèd through. Rèmovè and allow to rèst. 
  4. In thè mèantimè, add 2 tablèspoons of olivè oil to a largè, dèèp pan and sauté thè onion until soft and translucènt. Add thè garlic and lèmon zèst and cook for 30 sèconds bèforè adding thè risotto ricè. 
  5. ...
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  7. ...

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