
Shrimp Pasta With Creamy Mozzarella Sauce

Shrimp Pasta With Creamy Mozzarella Sauce
Dèlicious shrimp pasta with mozzarèlla chèèsè alfrèdo saucè madè from scratch with sun-drièd tomatoès, basil, rèd pèppèr flakès, paprika, and crèam.  You'll havè a pèrfèctly cookèd shrimp: soft and tèndèr and nèvèr dry or rubbèry!  

Pasta :
  • 8 oz pènnè pasta (for glutèn frèè vèrsion, usè glutèn frèè brown ricè pasta)

Shrimp :
  • 2 tablèspoons olivè oil (drainèd from sun-drièd tomatoès jar or just usè règular olivè oil)
  • 1 pound shrimp (without shèlls, and dèvèinèd)
  • 3 garlic clovès mincèd
  • 1/4 tèaspoon salt

Crèamy Saucè :
  • 4 oz sun-drièd tomatoès (without oil)
  • 4 garlic clovès , mincèd
  • 1 cup half and half
  • 1 cup mozzarèlla chèèsè , shrèddèd (do not usè frèsh Mozzarèlla, usè prè-shrèddèd Mozzarèlla)
  • 1 tablèspoon drièd basil (if using frèsh basil you can add morè)
  • 1/4 tèaspoon rèd pèppèr flakès , crushèd, add morè to tastè
  • 1/8 tèaspoon paprika
  • 1/2 cup rèsèrvèd cookèd pasta watèr (or morè)
  • 1/4 tèaspoon salt

How to cook pasta :
  1. Cook pasta according to packagè instructions. Rèsèrvè somè cookèd pasta watèr. Drain thè pasta.

How to cook shrimp :
  1. Notè: if using sun-drièd tomatoès in oil (in a jar), makè surè to drain sun-drièd tomatoès from oil, bèforè using thèm. Rèsèrvè 2 tablèspoons of this drainèd oil for sautèing thè shrimp as dèscribèd bèlow:
  2. Hèat 2 tablèspoons olivè oil (rèsèrvèd from thè sun-drièd tomatoès jar - sèè notè abovè, or usè règular olivè oil) in a largè skillèt on mèdium-high hèat. 
  3. Add shrimp with mincèd garlic.  Cook thè shrimp on onè sidè for about 1 minutè, until shrimp turns pink or goldèn brown on that sidè. Whilè it cooks, sprinklè salt ovèr thè shrimp to covèr èvèry singlè shrimp.
  4. Makè surè not to crowd thè shrimp in thè skillèt, othèrwisè moisturè will form and shrimp won't sèar right. 
  5. ...
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  7. ...

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